Dr. Nigel Minihane


Nigel, by accident of birth, was born in Cleethorpes but his heritage is Jersey. In fact the Renoufs, from whom he is descended, can be traced back to the Viking invasions of Normandy. Maybe that’s why he enjoys practising French and is just as happy meeting newcomers to Jersey as caring for several generations of a family!

He was a pupil at De La Salle then qualified in medicine at Southampton University in 1983. He was lucky enough to be accepted to a medical rotation at the teaching hospital and was awarded Membership of the Royal College of Physicians 2 years later. During this time he gained experience in the management of general medical conditions but particularly oncology (cancer medicine), respiratory medicine and rheumatology and still specialises in providing joint and caudal (low spinal) epidural injections.

He enjoys the challenge of the unpredictability of daily general practice but remains committed to improving the early detection and management of chronic disease.

He is currently chair of the Primary Care Body (PCB) and has been instrumental in improving services in general practice in conjunction with the Health Service’s White Paper. He was the architect of the central data repository for GP’s and community care with the aim of improving access to crucial medical information. He is also the principal editor of the PCB Website. He has been and remains a strong advocate of patient involvement in care and is currently encouraging patients’ access to their own notes in a similar fashion to the way in which they can access their bank accounts.

He is married with two grown up daughters and, when he isn’t working, his interests include gardening/DIY, messing around in boats and karate.